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Prosan Plus Purple Beer Line Cleaner – 4 x weekly cleans

Prosan Plus purple line cleaner,  in handy pre measured single dose bottles, for four weekly cleans, making an easy monthly purchase.  1 x 500ml bottle for use in a 50L cleaning vessel, giving the correct dosage, with excellent results. Pack contains 4x500ml bottles. Used for the regular cleaning and sanitising of beverage dispensing lines. Keeps lines clean from heavy water salts, proteins and taint free while eliminating biofilm deposits and colonies.

Additional information

SKU: 71152
Categories: Beerline Cleaning and Cellar Hygiene

£7.13 +VAT

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Product Description

Used for the regular cleaning and sanitising of beverage dispensing lines. Keeps lines clean from heavy water salts, proteins and taint free while eliminating biofilm deposits and colonies.

An excellent all round line cleaner suitable for most beverage dispensing lines and equipment. Contains a chlorine based sanitizer to remove biological and microbiological contaminants along with an alkali detergent to clean the lines of any potential dirt deposits along with thresholding agents to prevent scale/beerstone deposits.

Prosan Plus also contains the purple indicator popular with beerline cleaners, this reduces the risk of accidental ingestion while also showing that your line clean is complete and ready to be put back into use.

Need something stronger, as in hard-very hard water conditions or have neglected lines, please see our heavy duty beer line cleaner, Protinate.

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