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Hand Sanitiser Dispenser Starter Kit

Includes Hand Dispenser, Pelican Pump and 1x500ml Proton Hand Sanitiser Gel BSEN1500 Tested

Hand dispenser for use with Proton 500ml Hand Sanitiser.

Additional information

SKU: 71291
Categories: Beerline Cleaning and Cellar Hygiene,Glass Washing and Bar Hygiene,Hand Sanitiser and Sanitising Products,Beerline Cleaning and Cellar Hygiene|Glass Washing and Bar Hygiene

£28.75 £8.00 +VAT

Product information downloads:

Product Description

Includes Hand Dispenser, Pelican Pump and 1x500ml Proton Hand Sanitiser Gel BSEN1500 Tested

Hand dispenser for use with Proton 500ml Hand Sanitiser.

Made of brush steel, safely holds and secures bottle for simple use by customer and staff member to change, limits theft. Space for adding a padlock.

No Rinse Formula, ideal for hand stations where limited spacing.

BSEN1500 tested, 72% alcohol as recommended for Covid 19.

Applied and used for sanitising of hands killing germs and bacteria.

The Pelican pump controls the amount dispensed and is designed to work with the BSEN1500 testing.

NB. The content of alcohol is that needed to meet the Covid-19 and BSEN1500 requirements. Due to this it isn’t as thick as a gel would have previously been. It will sit on your hand and is thicker than water, however it will run around your hand before dripping off.

Nails for wall fitting NOT INCLUDED.

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